Tylah Ellison

Tylah Ellison

What’s your name, major and where are you from?

Tylah Ellison (she/her), Mechanical Engineer, Los Angeles, CA 

Tell us about your time at ÐÔ¸£±¦ so far.

Being at ÐÔ¸£±¦ so far has definitely had its ups and downs but it’s nice to be able to have this time to figure yourself out. 

Are you part of any clubs, sports, or student organizations? Do you have a job?

I am not a part of any clubs or sports this year but hopefully next fall I can get back into something. 

What kind of work do you do currently?

I currently work part-time at Local Boyz Cafe and when I can I like to spend a majority of my time at the gym. 

Do you have any dreams after college? 

After college, I would really love to take a year off and travel and see different parts of the world I never got to see before. 

How do you want to make a difference in our community? This could be current or in the future.

I just want to always try to make people feel more welcome or be able to feel as though they can be whoever they want to be without being judged. 

Is there anything you’re passionate about? How does this apply to your work or impact in your community?

My true passion in life is sports especially basketball because without that in my life I am not sure I would be who I am today. It has taught me many life lessons and especially taught me to never give up even when life gets hard. 

You’ve overcome many challenges to get you to this point. If comfortable, please share a challenge and briefly comment on what you learned from it or how you got through it.

Honestly, I have many challenges I have gone through in my life that have got me to this point and without going through any of them I wouldn’t be the person I am today. But, I have to give a big shoutout to a family friend who was like a second mom to me because she taught me a lot through life. I also know I wouldn’t be the same person without her. She is my light when things get hard and I know she would have been so proud of who I am today. 

In the next year of your life, what do you look forward to most? 

I look forward to being able to keep experiencing life with new friends and also be able to live in an apartment next fall with my two best friends and enjoy college while it lasts. 

If you could deliver one message to your peers, what would you say? (Any type of message. Inspiration, sappy, funny, whatever your heart desires) 

Live every day like it’s your last and never live with regret because you only live once so live it the best you can.